7 Possible Disadvantages of Sex During Pregnancy

Disadvantages of Sex During Pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy is generally considered safe for most women with uncomplicated pregnancies. Many couples continue to have a satisfying sexual relationship throughout pregnancy. However, even though most women love having sex during pregnancy, there are some potential disadvantages and considerations associated with it,

In the article, we will look at the possible disadvantages of sex during pregnancy. It is advised that every pregnant is aware of these possible disadvantages so that they can apply caution while having sex.

Possible Disadvantages of Sex During Pregnancy

Here are the major possible disadvantages of sex during pregnancy:

1. Discomfort or pain

As the pregnancy progresses, hormonal changes, increased blood flow to the pelvic area, and physical changes to the cervix can make some women experience discomfort or even pain during sex. Positions that worked well before might become uncomfortable.

2. Risk of infection

The risk of infection is one of the possible disadvantages of sex during pregnancy. Pregnant women have a slightly higher risk of vaginal infections due to changes in vaginal pH and hormone levels. Having sex with a partner with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) could increase the risk of transmitting infections to the pregnant woman.

3. Risk of bleeding

Some women experience light spotting or bleeding after intercourse during pregnancy. While this is usually not a cause for concern, it’s important to consult a licensed gynaecologist if bleeding is heavy or persistent. In some complicated pregnancies, the sex might be stopped to ensure bleeding does not continue.

4. Preterm labor

There is a theory that prostaglandins present in semen could potentially stimulate contractions and lead to preterm labor. However, this risk is generally considered low unless a woman has a history of preterm labor or other complications.

5. Placental abruption

In rare cases, vigorous sexual activity could potentially contribute to a placental abruption, where the placenta partially or completely detaches from the uterine wall before delivery. This is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

6. Ruptured membranes

Engaging in sexual activity could potentially lead to the accidental rupture of the amniotic sac, causing the amniotic fluid to leak. This could increase the risk of infection and might require medical attention. This is one of the reasons pregnant women should be cautious of sex, especially rough sex.

7. Psychological factors

Some women might feel less interested in sex during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, physical discomfort, or body image concerns. Conversely, some partners might have anxiety about harming the baby or feel uncomfortable about the changes in their partner’s body.

When you should avoid sex during pregnancy 

Your healthcare provider may recommend abstaining from sexual activity in any of the following cases:

  • If you have experienced significant bleeding during your pregnancy.
  • This precaution is especially important if the placenta is positioned low or if there is a hematoma.
  • Furthermore, you should refrain from sex if your amniotic sac has ruptured, as this can heighten the risk of infection.
  • If there are any concerns regarding the cervix or if you are carrying twins or have a history of preterm labor, it is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse in the later stages of pregnancy.
  • If you or your partner engage in sexual activity with others during pregnancy, it’s crucial to use barrier contraception, such as condoms, to safeguard against sexually transmitted infections for the well-being of both you and your baby.


It’s important to note that the impact of these potential disadvantages varies from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy. Communication between partners and consultation with a healthcare provider is crucial to address concerns and make informed decisions about sexual activity during pregnancy.

If a woman has a high-risk pregnancy or any complications, her healthcare provider might recommend abstaining from sexual activity for the safety of both the mother and the baby.



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