Write For Us

Health Guide NG accepts guest writers and contributors on the blog.

Writing for us is an excellent way to display your expertise, boost your portfolio, and establishing yourself as an expert. Also, you get SEO benefits, exposure via our social media platforms.

Write for us

Who can write?

We are accepting readers from all walks of life. We accept contributors who are doctors, medical professionals, health experts, health bloggers, experts in any field, and other health or fitness enthusiasts.

What topics do we accept

As Nigeria’s best health and fitness blog, we accept topics related to our broad niche. You can send topics in the following niches:

  • Health care
  • Public health
  • Nutrition
  • Mental Health
  • Fitness
  • Parenting
  • Drugs
  • Healthy Living
  • Wellness
  • Surgery
  • Hygiene

What you stand to gain

Writing for us has many benefits and perks.

First, we have committed readers, and great social media following, so you can be guaranteed that they’re people who will eagerly read your write-up. Your message will reach the right people.

You can also mention your website, career, or business in the author’s bio.

Guest Posting Guidelines

  • Your article must be 600+ words, 100% unique, and must be beneficial to our readers.
  • You can place a maximum of 2 self-serving links, one to your site (nofollow link) and one other to any social media channel in the author’s bio.
  • You are free to link to authority quality resources to add value to the article. Also, provide links to studies, researches to back up any medical claim in your article.
  • We have the right to make minor edits to your article.
  • Once your article has been published on our blog, you cannot publish it anywhere else, including your own blog. Your article cannot be deleted after we have published it.
  • Feel free to send the necessary images. Please send them as a separate attachment. Ensure that you do not violate copyright when using images, always give credit when needed.

Send an email here to submit your guest post.

We will review the article and notify you on the publishing date.