10 Important Health Tips For Asthma Patients

Health Tips For Asthma Patients

Asthma is a medical condition whereby the airways of an individual experiences irritation, swelling and narrowing.

It is a chronic lung disorder that causes airways — the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs — to become inflamed.

This condition causes the sufferer’s respiratory pathway to produce more mucus, making them have breathing difficulty.

There are approximately 13 million Nigerians who have asthma. Although there is no cure for asthma, asthma patients can live a healthy, active life if their asthma is managed properly.

There are specific health tips that, when adhered to, could reduce the risk of an asthma attack in the patient.

This article will enlighten you on the guidelines to follow to keep your asthma in check.

10 Health Tips For Asthma Patients

Below are a few health tips that could help you manage your asthma and avoid severe problems:

1. Quit smoking

If you’re an asthma patient and still indulge in smoking cigarettes, marijuana, or its kind, you need to quit.

Smoking triggers asthma attacks which may worsen the situation or lead to loss of life if not promptly attended to.

2. Avoid smoky areas

As an asthmatic patient, you should consider staying away from external smoking if you’re not a smoker.

The smoke source could be from burning areas or vehicle exhausts. You also need to protect yourself from secondhand smoke if you have asthma.

3. Identify your triggers

It’s essential to know those things that spark an asthmatic attack in you as an asthma patient.

However, identifying what ignites an attack is not enough; you also need to stay away from those triggers to stay safe.

Some common asthma triggers include tobacco smoke, dust mites, outdoor air pollution, pests (e.g., cockroaches, mice), pets, and mold.

4. Keep your inhaler with you always

It’s one thing to have an inhaler, and it’s another thing always to have it within reach every time.

You never know when and where an attack might occur. So you might want your inhaler to be your closest friend everywhere and every time.

5. Visit a certified physician for a prescription

You might want to avoid self-medication when managing an asthma situation. Instead, the right thing to do is visit a physician to examine and prescribe drugs to you.

Then, after getting the drugs, always make sure to follow the doctor’s prescription when taking the drugs, and do it regularly.

6. Perform light body fitting exercise

In many medical situations, exercises are often recommended to keep the patient fit. However, in the case of asthma, you could perform light exercises that wouldn’t trigger an asthmatic attack.

Exercising strengthens your breathing muscles, boosts your immune system, and helps you to maintain a healthy body weight.

The key to exercising safely with asthma is to make sure your asthma is under control before you start.

7. Avoid exposure to viruses and cold

Individuals with asthma should strongly consider staying away from cold areas and viruses.

Exposure to cold might make breathing difficult, resulting in a crisis. You should also avoid exposing yourself to harmful microorganisms.

8. Complete your medication dosage

Many individuals have the habit of discarding their drugs each time they feel okay.

However, it’s important to always complete your medications, whether you feel ok or not. An incomplete dosage of medications could result in a relapse of the ailment.

9. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet

Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals that help clear the body of toxins.

It’s therefore essential to take in lots of fruits and vegetables. Do not overeat and avoid or reduce eating spicy foods.

10. Get quality sleep

Sleeping can be difficult for asthma patients because sometimes the symptoms are often worse in the evening.

However, your sleeping position, bedroom temperature, and other bedtime factors can all be asthma triggers if you want to get quality sleep as an asthma patient.

First of all, sleep in a comfortable position. Also, remove all allergens in your bedroom, wash your bedding in hot water regularly, keep pets out of your bedroom, and sleep in a warm environment.


Asthma attack triggers differ in various asthma patients, hence the need to identify your triggers and manage them properly.

These health tips for asthma patients can help you adequately manage your condition. It’s also important to visit a qualified physician for medications and complete your drugs whether you feel well or not.




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