6 Vital Health Tips for Primary School Students

Health Tips For primary school students

A school is a place where students or pupils acquire knowledge, values, and skills; still, it could be an abode for all sorts of germs and infections. On average, a primary school student is exposed to about six infections in a 12 calendar month. This automatically translates to the absence of the child from school and that of the parents from work.

A primary school student is usually within the age range of 5-12; so, they are susceptible to various diseases due to their underdeveloped immune system.

Keeping your ward in top health improves their readiness to learn and do well in their studies. Here are simple health tips for primary students:

1. Sleep regularly

Sleep is a natural way the body factory reset itself. If your ward does not get enough sleep, it could interfere with their eating habits, how they comprehend at school, and their ability to resist infections.

Medically, it is recommended that primary school students get about 9-11 hours of sleep in a day; even if that may not be attainable, they should get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This keeps them fresh and focus on learning the following day.

2. Wash Hands Frequently

Frequent hand washing with clean water and soap or sanitizer can shield a primary school student from falling prey to various sicknesses. Furthermore, regular hand washing cuts short the transmission of infectious diseases to their classmates.

A proper hand wash should be done with soap, running water, and should last for at least 20 seconds. Encourage every primary school student to take hand washing seriously, and to do it properly.

3. Always Stay Hydrated

One easy way to build a formidable immune system is by staying hydrated at every point in time. So drinking an adequate amount of water and milk can help improve your ward’s mood, enhance their brain activity, and maintain healthy body weight.

Needless to say, drinks like soda, caffeine, and over-sweetened beverages should be excluded from your child’s diet as this could interfere with their general wellbeing.

4. Exercise Daily

Primary school students are actively growing; thus, exercising moderately for at least an hour can help strengthen their bones. It also increases their concentration level by reducing anxiety, and stress that they’ve could have accumulated as a result of rigorous school work.

5. Eat Healthy Foods

A diet has a huge impact on your ward’s health; skipping breakfast which is the most important meal, could ruin your ward’s ability to focus in class. The breakfast is expected to be loaded with the appropriate nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and others. They should also eat foods that boost their immune system.

Alternatively, it would be best to teach your child to minimize consumption of junk food or avoid it.

6. Avoid Heavy School Bags

A heavy backpack could affect a student’s posture or even cause them back or neck pain. Furthermore, carrying a heavy school bag changes the way children walk and puts them at risk of falling, especially on stairs or other places. You should avoid them carrying heavy school bags to school. A general rule is that a full backpack should not weight more than 10 to 15 percent of a child’s body weight. For example, if a child weighs 40 kg, the school bag should not be more than 6 kg.

Alternatively, getting a well-padded bag would be a good way to address the problem.


Bottom Line

Primary school students are future leaders; therefore, their health should be taken with utmost priority. These health tips for primary school students will help them develop well, and stay healthy.



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