Health Tips for HIV Patients

7 Helpful Health Tips for HIV Patients 

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an infection that targets the immune system and reduces the body’s defense against many other infections. When HIV has reached its advanced stage, it becomes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is worse. Living with HIV necessitates self-care and extra precautions to ensure your health, such as avoiding STDs and other…

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Why People Living in Poverty are at Greater Risk of Tuberculosis in Nigeria

Why People Living in Poverty are at Greater Risk of Tuberculosis in Nigeria

Over the years, recent investigations have demonstrated that the rising rate of tuberculosis and poverty in Nigeria has increased simultaneously. There is no doubt, however, that the relationship between poverty and tuberculosis is symbiotic, and that people living in poverty (PLIV) in the society have a higher risk of contracting the disease. Statistics from the…

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