Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a human physiologist, writer and health enthusiast. He loves writing helpful articles on health and fitness, which he enjoys sharing with everyone.

Are there any disadvantages of releasing sperm daily?

Are There any Disadvantages of Releasing Sperm Daily?

Are there any disadvantages of releasing sperm daily? This is the question many people usually ask. Well, research says that the number of times with which a man releases sperms may affect his health. Although there is no evidence that says that not releasing sperm cause serious health issues, constant releasing of sperm may reduce…

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Health Benefits of Semolina

6 Yummy Health Benefits of Semolina (Semovita)

Semolina is a coarse flour used in making pasta, bread, cereals and other food products. In Nigeria, semolina flour is used to prepare the Semolina fufu which is eaten with the various Nigerian soups. It was formerly known as middlings of durum wheat, but nowadays people prefer middlings of maize and rice. It appears yellow…

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Public Health Problems Facing Nigerian Women

Public Health Problems Facing Nigerian Women

Nigerian women face the challenge of certain public health problems in Nigeria, which you need to know about. These health challenges are among the major concerns for women in Nigeria. This article aims to educate you on the major public health problems facing Nigerian women. These issues vary according to religious, cultural and geographic factors. …

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