Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a human physiologist, writer and health enthusiast. He loves writing helpful articles on health and fitness, which he enjoys sharing with everyone.

Coronavirus In Nigeria

Coronavirus in Nigeria: All You Need to Know

The coronavirus outbreak has overtaken the whole world, and Nigeria was not left out. The coronavirus outbreak in Nigeria has caused panic, fear, and anxiety among Nigerians. There are so many questions you might have about coronavirus in Nigeria. Here’s all you need to know about coronavirus in Nigeria. In a bid to curb the…

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Filariasis in Nigeria

Filariasis in Nigeria: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Filariasis, otherwise known as elephantiasis, is a disfiguring and disabling disease, triggered by a parasitic infection of one of the three nematodes (roundworms): Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, or Brugia timori. The tropical disease usually occurs when filarial parasites are spread into the human body through infected mosquitoes.  Furthermore, these microscopic worms can live for about…

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Nigerian herbs and their health benefits

10 Common Nigerian Herbs and Their Health Benefits

Herbs are plants with leaves, seeds, or flowers that are used for flavoring food, medicine, or fragrances. These particular plants are known for their versatile nature as they can be used in preparing meals, cosmetic products, traditional medicines. Nigeria has one of the largest collections of herbs and medicinal plants in the world, all of…

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