8 Potential Health Benefits of Mango Leaves

Health Benefits of Mango Leaves

Almost everyone knows mango, as it is one of the most popular tropical fruits in the world. Mangoes are the fruits gotten from the trees and are very nutritious and rich, but they are not the only thing edible in the plant. The leaves of mango (Mangifera indica) also have amazing properties and have been used to has a medical remedy for many years. We will take a look at the health benefits of mango leaves, but before that, let’s find out the nutrients and contents in the leaf.

Nutritional Content of Mango Leaves

Health Benefits of Mango Leaves

Mango leaves contain vitamins A, B, and C. It also contains flavonoids, terpenoids, and phenols, which have antioxidant properties and help to cure ailments like diabetes. [1]

Another compound found in mango leaves is Mangiferin. Mangiferin is a polyphenol that is present in many plants but is particularly high in mango leaves. This compound has been proven to have many benefits, which you will see soon. [2]

Health Benefits of Mango Leaves

Health Benefits of Mango Leaves

1. Mango Leaves and Hair Growth

Some hair care products contain mango leaf extract, which keeps the hair follicle from harm. It brings shine to your hair and treats dandruff. Mango leaves are also a rich source of Vitamin C, which promotes collagen production for healthy hair. You can use mango leaves for hair growth by applying it to your hair. [3]

2. Respiratory Problems

Mango leaf tea can help people dealing with respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, etc. Asthma is due to the airways becoming tight and swelling, making breathing difficult. Consuming this tea regularly helps to keep the airways open and eliminates wheezing sound when exhaling.

Additionally, mango leaves can be used to treat respiratory issues by preparing a decoction from boiling mango leaves in water. This decoction can be taken with a little honey to remedy whooping cough, common cold, and bronchitis. [4]

3. Mango Leaves and Weight Loss

Due to the active nutrients present in mango, it helps to keep you full, thereby preventing more consumption of food. They contain enzymes that speed up digestion and inhibit fat embolism, which reduces the risk of obesity. Multiple studies have shown that mango leaf extract can inhibit fat accumulation in tissue cells and reduce levels of fat deposits. This makes it great for weight loss. [5]

The leaves of mango trees can be cooked and eaten as a leafy green or used to make a delicious weight loss smoothie.

4. Mango Leaves and Diabetes

Mango leaf extract may be suggested to diabetic patients because it reduces blood sugar levels. Dry mango leaves, when grinded, can help with angiopathy diabetes and diabetes mellitus retinopathy. One study on rats found out that mango leaf extract can notably lower triglyceride and blood sugar levels. Mangiferin, an active compound found in mango leaves, was found to have antidiabetic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. [6]

5. Blood Pressure

Another important benefit of mango leaves is the ability to strengthen blood vessels and lower blood pressure levels. Mango leaves have an excellent amount of essential phytonutrients. These nutrients help in boosting immunity, improving heart health, and lowering blood pressure.

6. Mango Leaves and Skin

Dried mango leaves when burned, the ashes, when applied to the skin, helps to treat sunburns and scalds, leaving the skin looking refreshed. Mango is also used in making skincare products.

7. Mango Leaves and Stomach Ulcer

Mango leaves may also be useful in treating stomach ulcers. The leaf and other parts of the plant have been used to treat stomach ulcers and other digestive conditions in ancient times. One study found out that mangiferin significantly improved digestive damage and stomach lesions in animals. [7]

8. May Prevent Cancer

The final mango leaves health benefit, we will consider today is it’s potential anticancer properties. Multiple medical studies have shown that mangiferin in mango leaves may combat cancer, because it reduces oxidative stress and fights inflammation. [8]


The health benefits of mango leaves are tremendous. The leaves are packed with antioxidants, polyphenols, and certain compounds, which help in treating numerous ailments, as well as benefitting the body in manifold ways. Mango plants are almost in every location in Nigeria, thus, they can be gotten easily and used.

One simple way to consume mango leaves is by making mango leaf tea. This is easily done by boiling fresh mango leaves in water or purchasing mango leaf tea bags.



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