7 Unique Health Benefits of Lemon Peel

Health Benefits of Lemon Peel

Lemon is one of the most popular citrus fruit, alongside orange, lime, and grape. The juice and pulps are mostly used for medicinal purposes, while most people discard the peels, not knowing the peel is full of bioactive components that are highly beneficial to human health. This article will explore the unique health benefits of lemon peel (back).

Six grams of lemon peel provides 9% of your daily value need for vitamin C. Other nutritional compounds include:

  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Calories: 3
  • Carbs: 1 gram
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams.

7 Unique Health Benefits of Lemon Peel

Health Benefits of Lemon Peel

Below are the remarkable health benefits of lemon peel you don’t know.

1. Supports cardiovascular health

Lemon peels are a rich source of vitamin C. Lemon fruit contains about 31 mg of vitamin C, which accounts for 51% of your daily vitamin C needs. Research has proved that eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Also, lemon peels’ fiber and plant compounds are very beneficial to the heart. Also, lemon peels contain plant compounds such as hesperidin and diosmin that helps in lowering cholesterol level in humans.

2. Boosts the immune system

Lemon peel extract is rich in flavonoid and vitamin C content that helps in stimulating your immune system to provide better protection to your body system.

A review of 82 studies was conducted, and it was found that 1–2 grams of vitamin C per day reduce the severity of common cold in humans by 8% in adults and 14% in children. And this Vitamin C accumulates in phagocytes, which help ingest harmful compounds, and lemon peels are a great source of vitamin C.

3. Loaded with antioxidants that help fight cellular damage

Lemon peels are rich in flavonoid antioxidants such as D-limonene and vitamin C that fight off radicals in your body, thereby preventing cellular damage.

Studies have proved a link between regular intake of antioxidants like D-limonene to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Also, the D-limonene component of lemon peels helps to increase the activity of an enzyme that fights off oxidative stress, which is associated with tissue damage and accelerated aging. Overall all, it empowers your immune system, ensuring overall health.

4. Good for the skin

Lemon peel has numerous beneficial uses for the skin. Yes, the health benefits of lemon peel or lemon back extends to skincare.

It is an excellent exfoliator that helps to cleanse your skin, as well as remove dirt and dust from the skin. 

You can use lemon peel can help to get rid of the dead skin cells and gives you a soft and smooth skin. 

To do this, take one lemon peel, add some sugar, and one spoon of olive oil to it. Afterward, massage the mixture onto your wet skin. Then rinse thoroughly after you’re done.

5. Prevents cancers

Lemon peel is rich in cancer-fighting properties, such as flavonoids and D-limonene. Flavonoid intake helps fight off several types of cancer, specifically stomach cancer.

Also, lemon peel’s vitamin component helps build up white blood cells, which helps to get rid of mutated cancer cells. Studies have shown that lemon peel might be effective against stomach cancer.

However, this is not to say that lemon peels should be considered a cure for cancer.

6. Improves oral health

Lemon peel is rich in antibacterial components that fight the growth of microorganisms in the body. Bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans are associated with dental cavities and gum infections. Lemon peel’s antibacterial substance helps inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans and other oral disease-causing bacteria.

7. Has antimicrobial and antifungal abilities

Lemon peel contains antibacterial substances that may inhibit microorganism growth.

2018 study demonstrated that lemon peel was able to destroy and reduce the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

On the other hand, a 2014 study stated that lemon peel extract was effective against a drug-resistant fungus.

Does taking lemon peel have any side effects?

According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA), lemon peel has no reported side effects. So it is considered safe by FDA. However, animal research has shown a link between D-limonene and carcinogenic effects, which is not relevant to humans because humans do not contain the protein component that supports this process.

However, before you take lemon peel, ensure you scrub the peel or wash it thoroughly in a baking soda solution. This is because the lemon peels may contain herbicides or pesticide residue, which can harm man. Washing in a baking soda solution cleans off any residue, making it safe for consumption.

Can you boil lemon peels?

Yes, you can boil lemon water and make a beverage from it. This beverage helps keep your system hydrated, prevents the growth of kidney stones, and promotes weight loss. While boiling it, it shouldn’t last too long to avoid the loss of useful nutrients. Five minutes is okay.


The above health benefits of lemon peels have shown that they are highly beneficial to your health. However, if you notice any form of allergy, please discontinue immediately.

Also, if you have a history of health problems like stomach ulcers, ensure you consult your doctor before you start consuming lemon peel water. Lastly, there’s still the need for human studies to ascertain the effects of lemon peel on humans.


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