Egusi Pepper Soup Nigerian foods without oil

11 Healthy Nigerian Foods You Can Cook Without Oil

It is commonly known that most Nigerian foods are cooked with oil, from soups to stews to different rice varieties. It is just that the oil differs. Traditional Nigerian cuisine is rich in flavors and nutrients, but the use of oils can add unnecessary calories and unhealthy fats that may contribute to various health issues,…

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Health Benefits of Scotch Bonnet Pepper (Ata Rodo)

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Scotch Bonnet Pepper (Ata Rodo)

Scotch bonnet is a variety of chilli pepper that is found in many parts of West Africa. They are used prominently in preparing cuisines and spicing up delicacies. Scotch bonnet pepper is called Ata Rodo in the Yoruba language of Nigeria. Fresh, ripe scotch bonnets can range from green to yellow to scarlet red colours….

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Starch Usi healthy swallows in Nigeria

11 Yummy And Healthy Swallows in Nigeria

In Nigeria, the term “swallow” refers to starchy foods that are prepared into a paste and consumed with Nigerian soups. These swallows are typically made from grains, cereals, starchy roots, and vegetables, and come in the form of pastes or dumplings. Common ingredients used to make swallows include yam, plantain, cocoyam, millet, sorghum, cassava, and…

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