Health Benefits of Nigerian walnuts

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Nigerian Walnuts

Walnuts are generally very nutritious and protect our body from deficiencies. There are 20 species found all over the world. One of them is the African walnut scientifically known as Tetracarpidium conophorum. It is cultivated and consumed in many parts of Africa such as Nigeria, Togo, Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Sierra-Leone and Democratic Republic of Congo. In Nigeria,…

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Nigerian brown beans

Health Benefits of Nigerian Brown Beans

Beans are one of the popular sources of protein. It is a leguminous plant that are extremely nutritious and contains essential nutrients which serve different purposes for the proper growth of the body. We have varieties of beans some of much include; black beans, baked beans, kidney beans, white beans, brown beans etc. Today we…

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Health Benefits of Semolina

6 Yummy Health Benefits of Semolina (Semovita)

Semolina is a coarse flour used in making pasta, bread, cereals and other food products. In Nigeria, semolina flour is used to prepare the Semolina fufu which is eaten with the various Nigerian soups. It was formerly known as middlings of durum wheat, but nowadays people prefer middlings of maize and rice. It appears yellow…

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