3 Best Exercises For Constipation

Best Exercises For Constipation

Constipation is a condition that is defined by fewer bowel movements and difficulty to passing stool. A person suffering from constipation would experience stomach upset due to slowed bowel movement. Constipation could be caused by lack of fibre in the diet or physical inactivity.

Some common symptoms of constipation include 

  • difficulty when passing stool 
  • dry and hard stool
  • you do not go to the toilet as often, and even when you do, you do not feel empty after
  • nausea
  • feeling bloated, and so on. 

While constipation is not exactly a serious condition, it can cause great discomfort to the person suffering from it. Sometimes, treatment may not be necessary and relief would come on its own. But if the symptoms persist and get worse, it may become necessary to visit the hospital. 

Many people opt for oral medications to treat constipation. Oral medications work and bring fast relief, but you can opt for exercises instead. Like we noted above, one of the causes of constipation is physical inactivity. When you stay in one place all the time and do little or nothing, you are at a higher risk of becoming constipated. People who lead a more active life, such as athletes and entertainers, are less likely to experience constipation. 

But you do not have to become an athlete just to keep constipation at bay. Just making a few changes to your life by including more physical exercise would not only keep you fit but help regulate bowel movement, which would prevent constipation. 

In today’s post, we would be looking at some exercises you can do to prevent or treat constipation.

1. Walking

Walking is the easiest of exercises anybody can do. It requires nothing but has a lot of rewards. If you set out to walk for just 30 minutes or one hour twice a day, you can regulate your bowel movement and get your digestive system working as it should. 

Best Exercises For Constipation

2. Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercises are those that require oxygen from your breathing. Examples of aerobic exercise include running, cycling, and swimming. Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping fast which helps to stimulate the contraction of your intestinal muscles. This would make it easier for you to pass out stool. 

3. Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercise works the muscles around the pelvic floor, which is the area that includes the bladder and the bowel. This exercise would help to build up strength and make it easier for you to pass out stool. 

Follow the steps below to do pelvic floor exercises

  • Find a position on the floor and sit comfortably. 
  • Locate your pelvic floor muscles. To do that, pretend as if you are trying to stop yourself from passing gas.  
  • Squeeze the muscles for about five seconds, then release them for 10 seconds
  • Repeat the process five times

You can do this exercise up to three times a day. 

Bottom Line

While these are the best exercises for constipation, staying hydrated will help you a lot more. Staying hydrated can reduce your chances of getting constipated. This is because water helps to ease bowel movement, making it easier for you to pass out stool.


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