7 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs Everyday

Health Benefits of Eating Eggs Everyday

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet earth. They are one of the few classified superfoods. They contain amazing nutrients, which are rare in most modern food making it essential to be part of your daily food plan. 

Eggs are a staple food in many households, and for good reason. Not only are they versatile and easy to prepare, but they also offer a wide range of health benefits when consumed on a daily basis.

They are a nutrient-dense food that should be a regular part of any healthy diet.

In this article, we will explore the health benefits of eating eggs every day and discuss how to incorporate them into your daily routine. But first, is it okay to eat eggs everyday?

Is It Safe To Eat Eggs Everyday?

Yes, it is generally safe to eat eggs every day as a part of a balanced diet.

And also, it is okay to eat one whole egg, including the egg yolk, every day if you don’t have any cardiovascular disease and you do have healthy blood cholesterol levels.

However, if you do have any cardiovascular disease or a high level of cholesterol in your blood, you should not eggs everyday. But can limit your egg intake to just three to four whole eggs per week.

7 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs Everyday 

Here are 7 health benefits of eating eggs every da:

1. Highly nutritious

Eggs are highly nutritious and contain nutrients that perform amazing wonders for the body. Eggs have a bit of all most all the nutrients you need on a daily basis.

A single large boiled egg contains the following nutrients:

  • Vitamin A: 8% of the daily value
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 14% of the daily value
  • Vitamin B12: 23% of the daily value
  • Phosphorus: 7% of the daily value
  • Selenium: 28% of the daily value
  • Folate: 6% of the daily value
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 20% of the daily value

Also, eggs contain significant amounts of zinc, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B6, and trace nutrients.

Therefore, one major benefit of eating eggs everyday is that it provides your body with a variety of nutrients it needs daily.

2. Rich in lutein and zeaxanthin

Lutein and zeaxanthin are not produced by the body, so it’s important to get them through diet or supplements. 

Eggs are rich in antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which offer super-eye benefits, especially in older persons.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are strong antioxidants that gather in the eye’s retina to protect it. Studies have shown that adequate consumption of these antioxidants significantly reduces your risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration.

In a study involving older adults, it has been proven that eating an egg daily for 5 weeks increases blood levels of lutein by 26% and zeaxanthin by 38%. Basically, egg yolks contain significant amounts of both lutein and zeaxanthin.

3. Excellent source of quality protein

Eggs are a rich source of protein, with one large egg containing about 6 grams of protein.

Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle, and it also plays important roles in many bodily processes such as hormone regulation, immune function, and blood clotting.

Protein is made up of amino acids, some of which our body can produce, others we must get from our diet.

Eggs are considered a complete protein source, meaning they contain all of the essential amino acids that our body needs.

The protein content of the eggs helps to build tissues and molecules that are both structural and functionally useful.

Protein plays a vital role in maintaining and repairing tissues, including skin, bones, and hair. It also helps in the production of enzymes and hormones.

Eating protein-rich foods like eggs daily is an easy way to ensure that you get enough protein in your diet.

Also, eggs increase muscle mass, lowers blood pressure, and optimize bone health. 

4. Great source of good cholesterol

The cholesterol found in eggs is known as dietary cholesterol. It is found in animal-based foods such as eggs, meat, and dairy products.

Unlike the cholesterol that is produced by the liver and circulates in the blood, dietary cholesterol does not have a direct effect on blood cholesterol levels.

Egg yolks are particularly high in cholesterol, with one large egg yolk containing about 186 milligrams of cholesterol. Egg whites, on the other hand, are cholesterol-free.

However, there have been different responses from individuals relating to regular consumption of eggs relating to the high cholesterol level.

Nonetheless, it’s still recommended to limit cholesterol intake to less than 300 mg per day, especially for those who have high cholesterol or are at risk of heart disease.

5. Rich in choline

Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of choline, a nutrient incredibly essential to the body that most people don’t get enough of.

Choline is a nutrient, often grouped with the B vitamins, that most people don’t know that it exists. It helps in the building of cell membranes.

Furthermore, adequate intake of choline is important for maintaining good health and preventing certain diseases.

Also, it is effective in producing signaling molecules in the brain. A single egg contains over 100 mg amount of choline.

6. Aid weight loss

Eggs are high-protein food and the most satiating macronutrients, which makes you feel full after consumption, hence eating eggs everyday can help with losing weight.

In one study, 50 overweight and obese adults were brought together to eat eggs and toast instead of cereal and milk with orange juice.

Studies have shown that there was a decreased feeling of hunger after consumption. This reduces their calorie intake by 180.

Another study stated that eggs lower the risk of body fat by 38% and central obesity by 34%.

7. Reduces body fat

Eggs are rich in protein and fat and contain small amounts of carbohydrates. Regular consumption of eggs for breakfast has been liked to reduce body fat.

In one study, 30 obese women ate a breakfast of either eggs or bagels, each containing the same amount of calories.

The women eating eggs felt more full and consumed fewer calories for the next 36 hours. Eggs are good food for those who want to reduce body fat.


Yes, there are many potential health benefits of eating eggs everyday. And it is clearly shown by research that eating one whole egg daily is highly beneficial to the body.

However, there is inadequate evidence that going beyond three eggs per day is dangerous. Nevertheless, if you have a severe health issue, it is advised you consult the doctor about your egg consumption rate.



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