7 Health Tips For Those Trying To Get Pregnant

Health Tips For Those Trying to Get Pregnant

Are you trying to get pregnant? Are you looking for ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant? This article contains 5 healthy tips for those trying to get pregnant.

Pregnancy occurs when the sperm gets into the vagina, travels to the fallopian tube through the cervix and womb, and fertilizes the egg(s).

You have a higher chance of getting pregnant during ovulation when your egg is ready and awaiting fertilization. Certain lifestyle habits can affect your chances of getting pregnant.

If you are married or single and looking for babies, this post will explore the health tips that can increase your chance of getting pregnant.

7 Health Tips For Those Trying to Get Pregnant

Health Tips For Those Trying to Get Pregnant

Below are some helpful health tips for those trying to get pregnant:

1. Take prenatal vitamins

One of the healthy tips for those trying to get pregnant is to start taking prenatal vitamins even before becoming pregnant. This helps to prepare your body for pregnancy.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that women should take 400 mcg of folic acid daily for at least a month before getting pregnant. Folic acid helps your increase your chance of getting pregnant and helps your child to develop properly without birth defects.

2. Have sex regularly and monitor your ovulation

Sex is very healthy and very essential among couples. If you are trying to get pregnant, it is advised that you have sex every 2 to 3 days without using protection or contraception. Ensures that the sperm enters the vagina

Also, monitor your ovulation period and have sex often during this period. Usually, your ovulation period is 12 to 16 days before your period.

American Society for Reproductive Medicine coined the word “fertile window.” It states that the fertile window runs a six-day interval — the five days before ovulation and the day after it. Women are more fertile these days and have a greater chance of getting pregnant.

3. Maintain a healthy weight

A woman’s weight can influence her chances of giving birth: Being overweight or underweight affects your chances. Research showed that an overweight woman takes twice as long to become pregnant than a woman with a normal body mass index (BMI).

Cleveland Clinic stated that having too much body fat can lead to the production of excess estrogen, which can affect fertility.

A 2017 study reported in the journal of Human Reproduction stated the study findings involving partners who were very obese, with BMIs of at least 35. The result showed that they last longer (55% to 59%) before getting pregnant than partners who are not.

Also, male obesity disrupts sperm viability and the male endocrine system, which can affect the possibility of the woman getting pregnant. Women who are underweight with a BMI of less than 18 may stop ovulating or have irregular periods, as stated  University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.

4. Exercise regularly

In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, exercising often is crucial for those trying to get pregnant.

Men and women who exercise regularly are likely to conceive than those who don’t.

Exercising or being physically active can boost your fertility. Studies have shown that vigorous exercise reduces the risk of ovulation problems, while moderate exercise decreases the risk of miscarriage and increases the chance of having a baby among men and women.

5. Eat healthily

One of the healthy tips for those trying to get pregnant is to get healthy meals. Although there is no specific or formulated diet for pregnancy, you can create a higher chance of getting pregnant by eating certain essential nutrients.

Certain food nutrients are good for women trying to get pregnant. They are calcium, protein, and iron. This means eating a lot of whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

5. Stay away from smoking and drinking

Smoking leads to fertility issues. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has stated that cigarette contains chemicals such as carbon monoxide and nicotine that increases the loss rate of the woman’s eggs.

Smoking has been linked to depleting the supply of eggs prematurely in the woman’s body. In 2020, a study was published in the journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. It proved that smoking is directly linked to reduced fertility.

As a woman, stay away from smoking to increase your chances of giving birth: not only direct smoking but also; indirect smoking.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists stated that drinking alcohol moderately (one to two drinks daily) or heavily (more than two drinks daily) can reduce the chances of a woman getting pregnant, making it difficult to conceive.

7. Avoid stress

According to some studies, stress can negatively affect the hormones needed for sperm production and ovulation.

Hence, managing or avoiding stress is an important tip to consider when it comes to trying to get pregnant.

It can be difficult to avoid stress and anxiety when you’re desperately trying to conceive, but the best thing can do is relax and try your best.


If you are trying to get pregnant, ensure to have regular sex, especially during your ovulation period, maintain a healthy weight, eat healthily, take prenatal vitamins and stay away from smoking and drinking.

If you have tried the above and you remain unable to conceive after a while. It is advised you visit the gynecologist because a health challenge might be causing it. 


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