How to Keep Your Gall Bladder Healthy

How to Keep Your Gall Bladder Healthy

A gall bladder is a body organ with the shape of a peer, saddled with the function of storing bile from the liver and to release it whenever the body need to digest and transport fats from the duodenum. It’s a very vital organ that helps in the deamination of protein and fats. Therefore, it is paramount for every one to keep the gall bladder healthy. Sadly though, a lot of people never think about the health of their gallbladder. You wouldn’t blame them, because the gallbladder doesn’t necessary to keep the body healthy and functioning, unlike other important body organs. However, an unhealthy gallbladder can lead to a condition known as gallstones.

Gallstones are pieces of solid material that form in your gallbladder. Your gallbladder stores and releases a fluid made in your liver known as bile, which helps in digestion. Bile also takes away wastes like cholesterol and bilirubin, which your body makes when it breaks down red blood cells. Those wastes can form gallstones.

The common symptoms of gallstones are digestive problems, stomach pain, vomiting, yellow skin/eyes, and dark urine/poop. Gallstones are caused by too much cholesterol or bilirubin in your bile.

In this article, we shared few tips on how to keep your gall bladder healthy, which in turn eases a smooth digestion of your body fats. They are briefly outlined below as follow.

1. Don’t Skip Meals

It is the duty of your gall bladder to release bile whenever you ingest food. However, when you refuse to take meals as at due, those bile chemicals accumulate, which aggravates the cholesterol levels in your gall bladder. With time, the undigested fats can solidify into gall stones. Some other acids in the bile may trigger the development of gall bladder cancer. So, take your meals regularly.

2. Eat Whole Grains

They are high in rough fiber, which helps to decrease LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol. This safeguards your heart and aids in the prevention of gallstones. Fiber helps to keep your digestive tract flowing and bile out of your body system. Increase your intake of high fibre meals such as whole-grain pasta and bread, as well as brown rice. Popcorn, oatmeal, garden eggs, leafy vegetables and barley are examples of whole grains.

3. Watch Out For Fried Foods

To aid in the digestion of fatty meals, your gallbladder must work really hard. Fried food items contain a lot of saturated fat, which elevates your cholesterol level. Gallstones can be caused by eating a lot of oily food. It’s also high in calories, which can cause your weight to rise. One of the most common risk factors of gallstones is obesity.

4. Snack on Peppers, Berries and Kiwi

Vitamin C is abundant in these vibrant fruits and vegetables. According to studies, persons who consume more vitamin C have a lower risk of gallbladder illness and gallstones than those who consume less. Low amounts of the vitamin, according to experts, may increase the cholesterol content in your bile. Aim for 75 milligrams for women and 90 milligrams for men every day. Broccoli, strawberries, baked potatoes, cantaloupes, and citrus fruits are all good options.

5. Reduce Your Butter, Meat and Cheese Consumption

Dairy foods and meat are known to contain saturated fats. These kind of fats easily increase the amount of bad cholesterol in your gall bladder, and can consequently lead to gall stones. You have an healthier option to settle down for foods with low on no content of saturated fats such as fish and vegetables. In addition, you should strive to cook your meals with vegetable oil instead of lard and butter.

6. Eat A Lot Of Nuts

Nuts are highly nutritious despite their significant small size. They have high fibre content and healthy fate. More so, they contain a lot of compounds and plant sterols that can inhibit your body from the absorption of cholesterol. Nuts, definitely, will help against the eventuality of gall stones.

7. Exercise Often

Another common risk factor for gallstones is a sedentary lifestyle. People how don’t engage in physical activity are at risk of developing gallstones. They are also at risk of becoming obese too.


Maintaining an healthy and functional gall bladder is vital to regulating your overall health. Digestion of fats mean lesser risk of serious illness such as blood pressure, stroke and the likes. Therefore, if you want to keep your gallbladder healthy, adhere to the tips above on how to keep your gall bladder healthy.



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