Pepper soup and agidi Nigerian food combinations

Top 15 Healthy Nigerian Food Combinations 

Food is an essential part of our lives, providing us with the energy and nutrients our body needs to function properly. However, food combinations refer to the way in which different foods are eaten together or paired. In Nigeria, where traditional cuisine is rich in flavor and diversity, food combinations are very popular. There are…

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Health Benefits of Groundnut Paste ose oji

8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Ose Oji (Groundnut Paste)

Groundnut paste is a thick, delicious creamy substance made from groundnut and other ingredients. It is known as peanut butter, and it comes with numerous health benefits. Groundnut Paste is also called Okwu Ose, Okwu Oji, and Ose Oji by Nigerians and can be used as a dessert.  Ose Oji is made from roasted groundnut and can be eaten…

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Health Benefits of Agbalumo

7 Proven Health Benefits of Agbalumo (African Star Apple)

Agbalumo, also known as the African Star Apple, is a fruit that is widely enjoyed across Nigeria. It is popular not just for its enticing sweetness but also for its many health benefits. This tropical fruit, native to West Africa, ripens during the dry harmattan season, and is usually available from December to April every…

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Health Benefits of smoked catfish

5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Catfish

Catfish, scientifically known as Siluriformes, are a diverse group of ray-finned fish, which be found on all continents, except Antarctica. There are over 3000 species of catfish found in freshwater settings like rivers and streams. However, some species have evolved to live in saltwater and caverns. Catfish has been used to prepare delicacies such as catfish…

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Health benefits of ogiri okpei

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Ogiri

Ogiri is a popular seasoning commonly used in Nigerian cuisine. It is made by fermenting oilseeds like sesame seeds or egusi seeds. It has a strong odor that is comparable to cheese, miso, or stinky tofu. Ogiri is a traditional Nigerian seasoning that is particularly popular in the southeastern and southwestern regions of the country….

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Seafoods Iodine-Rich Foods In Nigeria

10 Healthy Iodine-Rich Foods In Nigeria

Iodine is an essential mineral the body needs. The thyroid gland needs iodine for the production of thyroid hormones, which helps control body metabolism and aids proper bone and brain development. The lack of iodine could lead to an overactive or underactive thyroid gland, also known medically as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Lack of iodine in…

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